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348 entries.
Eddie wrote on January 28, 2009
To understand the impact that he had on people one must listen to the words of his songs, is what he sings about a reflection on society and ourselves? to this day, young and old have something in common when Hectors songs come on, its who we really are. GOD BLESS YOU HECTOR
To understand the impact that he had on people one must listen to the words of his songs, is what he sings about a reflection on society and ourselves? to this day, young and old have something in common when Hectors songs come on, its who we really are. GOD BLESS YOU HECTOR... Collapse
Pati wrote on January 27, 2009
Que voz tan grande de un hombre chiquito. Que Dios descanse Hector. Yo te amo..
Que voz tan grande de un hombre chiquito. Que Dios descanse Hector. Yo te amo..... Collapse
Poka wrote on January 25, 2009
I jjust saw "El Cantante" and decided to research Hector Lavoe's life. This is a good website to view his legacy. He was an excellent singer. Very tragic his life, though.
I jjust saw "El Cantante" and decided to research Hector Lavoe's life. This is a good website to view his legacy. He was an excellent singer. Very tragic his life, though.... Collapse
Carmen Cordero wrote on January 23, 2009
Al fallece Nuestro amor de la Salsa, Diosito se llevo un angel. Le tenemos que dar muchisimas gracias a Nuestro Senor por darnos un cantante, un rey de la Salsa, un maestro, un amigo, en todo un ser de tremendo talento. En verdad, tengo que decir que la pelicula "El Cantante" no le hizo justificacion a Nuestro Rey de la Salsa. todos tenemos problemas. Pero al ponerlos tan abierta y olvidar lo grande que Hector LaVoe hizo da mucha pena. Solo digo. Dios los bendiga en los Reinos del Cielo y algun dia nos veremos y ahi se va saber... Read more
Al fallece Nuestro amor de la Salsa, Diosito se llevo un angel. Le tenemos que dar muchisimas gracias a Nuestro Senor por darnos un cantante, un rey de la Salsa, un maestro, un amigo, en todo un ser de tremendo talento. En verdad, tengo que decir que la pelicula "El Cantante" no le hizo justificacion a Nuestro Rey de la Salsa. todos tenemos problemas. Pero al ponerlos tan abierta y olvidar lo grande que Hector LaVoe hizo da mucha pena. Solo digo. Dios los bendiga en los Reinos del Cielo y algun dia nos veremos y ahi se va saber y oir quien es en verdad el rey de la Salsa y no olvidaremos al Sonero Mayor, Ismael "Maelo" Rivera. Dios nos siga bendiciendo con nuestra musica y mas todavia a todos nuestros artistas.... Collapse
MannY El Fan Fania wrote on January 22, 2009
Siempre era la felizidad que el deseaba para todos. La Musica era el CORAZON y sus fans eran la sangre que corrian por sus venas. "EL GRAN CREADOR DE FELICIDAD, UNIDAD, E AMOR"
Siempre era la felizidad que el deseaba para todos. La Musica era el CORAZON y sus fans eran la sangre que corrian por sus venas. "EL GRAN CREADOR DE FELICIDAD, UNIDAD, E AMOR"... Collapse
Dani wrote on January 17, 2009
Como tu decias Hector: "es chevere ser grande, pero es mas grande ser chevere!" pues tu lo eras todo! eras grande como tu solo y mas chevere que nadie! Me hubiera encantado poderte conocer en persona, pero cuando tu moristes yo tan solo tenia 3años. Y ahora a mis 18 años Hector yo te escucho y te seguire escuchando hasta el dia en que cierre los ojos! Lavoe viviras eternamente en el corazon de todos los que amamos la salsa! Dios te bendiga Hector!
Como tu decias Hector: "es chevere ser grande, pero es mas grande ser chevere!" pues tu lo eras todo! eras grande como tu solo y mas chevere que nadie! Me hubiera encantado poderte conocer en persona, pero cuando tu moristes yo tan solo tenia 3años. Y ahora a mis 18 años Hector yo te escucho y te seguire escuchando hasta el dia en que cierre los ojos! Lavoe viviras eternamente en el corazon de todos los que amamos la salsa! Dios te bendiga Hector!... Collapse
Inker wrote on January 17, 2009
Desde España,gracias Hector,gracias por la musica buena de verdad y para siempre.Ese loco genial,LA VOZ DEL SENTIMINETO K ROMPE TODA BARRERA!!!
Desde España,gracias Hector,gracias por la musica buena de verdad y para siempre.Ese loco genial,LA VOZ DEL SENTIMINETO K ROMPE TODA BARRERA!!!... Collapse
Carlito del bronx wrote on January 17, 2009
Hector Lavoe was the voice of many boriqua's his body is not here but his music still lives in all of us,,,He was the greatest singer dela salsa and i have not heard anyone who can come close not even marc anthony, Make no mistake i love marc anthony work but he is all business,,hector was for the love...Como el desea yo no viene para hablar yo viene para Cantar!!!!Del corazon...Orchard Beach he use to sing for all of us Marc Anthony will never do that....Yo Hector we Love You hasta la muerte...
Hector Lavoe was the voice of many boriqua's his body is not here but his music still lives in all of us,,,He was the greatest singer dela salsa and i have not heard anyone who can come close not even marc anthony, Make no mistake i love marc anthony work but he is all business,,hector was for the love...Como el desea yo no viene para hablar yo viene para Cantar!!!!Del corazon...Orchard Beach he use to sing for all of us Marc Anthony will never do that....Yo Hector we Love You hasta la muerte...... Collapse
carla wrote on January 12, 2009
I listened to him as a child
I listened to him as a child... Collapse
joann wrote on January 9, 2009
I grew up listening to hector and til this day everytime i hear mi gente i get teary eyed. If it wasn't for hector there would be no marc anthony, or victor manuelle. Hector lavoe will always be the men . El Cantante De Los Cantantes.
I grew up listening to hector and til this day everytime i hear mi gente i get teary eyed. If it wasn't for hector there would be no marc anthony, or victor manuelle. Hector lavoe will always be the men . El Cantante De Los Cantantes.... Collapse