Your Tributes

Photo by Salsero73, used under CC BY SA

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348 entries.
Melvin wrote on February 9, 2009
I work at San Francisco's most famous salsa club Roccapulco. The bands are fantastic. This is were I was introduced to Hector Lavoe's' music. I am the only causation working there. I fell truly blessed every time I hear his music being played there! Thank God for Hector Lavoe's Salsa vision. His music is loved by so many. His life is celebrated every time his music is listen to and danced to. Thank you Hector Lavoe were ever you are. You are still loved and remembered by so many.
I work at San Francisco's most famous salsa club Roccapulco. The bands are fantastic. This is were I was introduced to Hector Lavoe's' music. I am the only causation working there. I fell truly blessed every time I hear his music being played there! Thank God for Hector Lavoe's Salsa vision. His music is loved by so many. His life is celebrated every time his music is listen to and danced to. Thank you Hector Lavoe were ever you are. You are still loved and remembered by so many.... Collapse
Salsera0723 wrote on February 5, 2009
I love Hector Lavoe’s music. There is no other latin singer who can match up to Hector. I grew up in NYC listening and dancing to his music and those were the best years of my life. There has never been a better sound than that of Hector and the entire Fania All Star. Thank you so much for keeping his name and music alive. This is what salsa music is truly all about. Let’s continue to expose this generation to this great music and keep this music ALIVE.
I love Hector Lavoe’s music. There is no other latin singer who can match up to Hector. I grew up in NYC listening and dancing to his music and those were the best years of my life. There has never been a better sound than that of Hector and the entire Fania All Star. Thank you so much for keeping his name and music alive. This is what salsa music is truly all about. Let’s continue to expose this generation to this great music and keep this music ALIVE.... Collapse
julio el salsero-nica wrote on February 5, 2009
thanks for this page dedicated to the one and only HECTOR LAVOE el cantante de cantantes. my hero since he is and always be the best salsero,sonero ever.. y que viva la salsa
thanks for this page dedicated to the one and only HECTOR LAVOE el cantante de cantantes. my hero since he is and always be the best salsero,sonero ever.. y que viva la salsa... Collapse
u_ecruz wrote on February 4, 2009
esto es para el que puso el poll del mejor cantante. Are you serious? Por favor pon a Hector Lovoe contra cantantes de su nivel.
esto es para el que puso el poll del mejor cantante. Are you serious? Por favor pon a Hector Lovoe contra cantantes de su nivel.... Collapse
Magnifico DJ wrote on February 1, 2009
a musical tribute from Portugal, Algarve regards magnifico DJ
a musical tribute from Portugal, Algarve regards magnifico DJ... Collapse
29 chyna wrote on February 1, 2009
well .. what can i say .... seeing this mmovie today was good at ... the begaining of this movie i thought wow he is graet ... until that horrilbe part ... then it got worst than ever ...i thought what the hell is he doing .. then later in the movie ..... when he was at the doctors i was so surpised at what they said i wantd to say he throw it all away i think that he was .... an amazeing man and he could sing his heart out this is to you hector lavoe you were... Read more
well .. what can i say .... seeing this mmovie today was good at ... the begaining of this movie i thought wow he is graet ... until that horrilbe part ... then it got worst than ever ...i thought what the hell is he doing .. then later in the movie ..... when he was at the doctors i was so surpised at what they said i wantd to say he throw it all away i think that he was .... an amazeing man and he could sing his heart out this is to you hector lavoe you were great .... but you could have done better oh p.s how could he live through that jump p.p.s r.i.p hector lavoe we all miss you... Collapse
Glad Evardo wrote on February 1, 2009
I've watched "El Cantante" yesterday, I didn't know anything about Hector Lavoe thats why I searched the web for his biography... truly, God gave Him the talent. I was so very sad to know that everything ends up not so good for him... but his story gives so much lessons for those who are already on the top... Drugs can kill! and Fame is like Drugs, it is addictive!!! Only few can survive.
I've watched "El Cantante" yesterday, I didn't know anything about Hector Lavoe thats why I searched the web for his biography... truly, God gave Him the talent. I was so very sad to know that everything ends up not so good for him... but his story gives so much lessons for those who are already on the top... Drugs can kill! and Fame is like Drugs, it is addictive!!! Only few can survive.... Collapse
earl wrote on January 30, 2009
hector you are my favorite singer you inspire me to be a singer. my family comes from a well talented backround my papa was a very well known cuatro player and my uncle is a singer and my dad is a conga player you have inspired me to follow them i want to be a great singer like you! I love your music and can sing your songs. I hope to be just as well know as you. I only wish i was able to see you in person but godbless your family and i hope your sons follow your... Read more
hector you are my favorite singer you inspire me to be a singer. my family comes from a well talented backround my papa was a very well known cuatro player and my uncle is a singer and my dad is a conga player you have inspired me to follow them i want to be a great singer like you! I love your music and can sing your songs. I hope to be just as well know as you. I only wish i was able to see you in person but godbless your family and i hope your sons follow your music.... Collapse
yalu wrote on January 29, 2009
hi. i love these website becouse i love hector lavoe. remember hector lavoe live for ever and ever in our hearts
hi. i love these website becouse i love hector lavoe. remember hector lavoe live for ever and ever in our hearts... Collapse
Diego wrote on January 29, 2009
El cantante de los cantantes...sera siempre recordado por nuestra gente latina,el siempre nos represento a los latinos,y hoy por hoy nos sigue representando,no habra otro Hector que pasen 100 años,recuerdo que la primera vez que escuche una cancion de el yo tenia 9 años,y fue periodico de ayer,y desde alli me gusto,tengo apenas 18 y todavia es lo mejor! La fama,piraña,el rey de la puntualidad,consejo de oro..excelentes!! y faltan muuuchas mas por nombrar!..que Dios lo tenga en la gloria,(el hombre que respira bajo el agua) 🙂 saludos a PR
El cantante de los cantantes...sera siempre recordado por nuestra gente latina,el siempre nos represento a los latinos,y hoy por hoy nos sigue representando,no habra otro Hector que pasen 100 años,recuerdo que la primera vez que escuche una cancion de el yo tenia 9 años,y fue periodico de ayer,y desde alli me gusto,tengo apenas 18 y todavia es lo mejor! La fama,piraña,el rey de la puntualidad,consejo de oro..excelentes!! y faltan muuuchas mas por nombrar!..que Dios lo tenga en la gloria,(el hombre que respira bajo el agua) 🙂 saludos a PR... Collapse