Your Tributes

Photo by Salsero73, used under CC BY SA

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348 entries.
makeba wrote on September 8, 2012
I love all of Hector's stuff. I imagine Im in a dark bar, dancing with a lovely chica while we sweat on each other. Cuba libres all around! Salud!!
I love all of Hector's stuff. I imagine Im in a dark bar, dancing with a lovely chica while we sweat on each other. Cuba libres all around! Salud!!... Collapse
Lola Yellowbord wrote on August 13, 2012
Your voice will live on forever and thanks to UTube I get to see you as well. RIP. Lola
Your voice will live on forever and thanks to UTube I get to see you as well. RIP. Lola... Collapse
chris wrote on August 12, 2012
The best in the world still today
The best in the world still today... Collapse
Frankln Suarez wrote on July 20, 2012
Ay, Hector. Que pena, pai. Espero que en donde te encuentres; estes descanzando en paz y harmonizando como solo tu podias. Sinceramente, Un fan.
Ay, Hector. Que pena, pai. Espero que en donde te encuentres; estes descanzando en paz y harmonizando como solo tu podias. Sinceramente, Un fan.... Collapse
Pat beavers wrote on July 8, 2012
I lived in panama in late 70s, and Hector was all that on the radio. More recently, I read his biography. It broke my heart, but he lives on through his voice. He is as relevant today as he was 30 years ago. I like to think that he's looking at us from above, and smiling, as each new generation is moved by El Cantante.
I lived in panama in late 70s, and Hector was all that on the radio. More recently, I read his biography. It broke my heart, but he lives on through his voice. He is as relevant today as he was 30 years ago. I like to think that he's looking at us from above, and smiling, as each new generation is moved by El Cantante.... Collapse
Junior wrote on June 27, 2012
Grande Hector! tu voz no era espectacular, pero era particular, diferente, contagiabas y era facil de creer cada tema que cantabas. Cuando recuerdo tu historia siento tanta pena, la desgracia de perder a tu hijo, las drogas que destruyeron tu vida, el intento de suicidio....... quisiera que estuvieras limpio, vivo y cantando "...yo no soy el que esta tarde, uds son los que llegaron muy temprano...." Grande Hector! descansa en paz.
Grande Hector! tu voz no era espectacular, pero era particular, diferente, contagiabas y era facil de creer cada tema que cantabas. Cuando recuerdo tu historia siento tanta pena, la desgracia de perder a tu hijo, las drogas que destruyeron tu vida, el intento de suicidio....... quisiera que estuvieras limpio, vivo y cantando "...yo no soy el que esta tarde, uds son los que llegaron muy temprano...." Grande Hector! descansa en paz.... Collapse
andrea wrote on June 25, 2012
Dear Hector i love you. rip
Dear Hector i love you. rip... Collapse
adela wrote on June 19, 2012
I still listen to your music Hector and pray for you peace
I still listen to your music Hector and pray for you peace... Collapse
Wendy Lopez wrote on June 13, 2012
hector tu musica me habla! amor y paz
hector tu musica me habla! amor y paz... Collapse
joe wrote on June 11, 2012
i love hector lavoe althaugh his life was ravaged from drugs his music was great as puerto rican i am very proud that hector lavoe walked on this earth. His drug addiction should be a lesson for everyone to learn, its a killer disease if not under control, god rest his soul god bless him amen.
i love hector lavoe althaugh his life was ravaged from drugs his music was great as puerto rican i am very proud that hector lavoe walked on this earth. His drug addiction should be a lesson for everyone to learn, its a killer disease if not under control, god rest his soul god bless him amen.... Collapse