Your Tributes

Photo by Salsero73, used under CC BY SA

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348 entries.
daniel wrote on July 20, 2009
i love it
i love it... Collapse
celestina wrote on July 16, 2009
Mi tributo Al Cantante de los Cantantes. Dejaste una herencia inmensa a la latinoamericanidad. Gracias, no hay como pagarte.
Mi tributo Al Cantante de los Cantantes. Dejaste una herencia inmensa a la latinoamericanidad. Gracias, no hay como pagarte.... Collapse
Antonia Borrero wrote on July 6, 2009
I just want to say Hector Lavoe was a wonderful singer and person. I still get goose bumps from his music. I first started hearing his music in Carolina, Puerto Rico. We had just moved there from Chicago. I love his music. I just feel sad the way they made that movie. Instead of giving him thanks. Made him look bad. But I still love his music. He was a beautiful person. May God have him in his glory.
I just want to say Hector Lavoe was a wonderful singer and person. I still get goose bumps from his music. I first started hearing his music in Carolina, Puerto Rico. We had just moved there from Chicago. I love his music. I just feel sad the way they made that movie. Instead of giving him thanks. Made him look bad. But I still love his music. He was a beautiful person. May God have him in his glory.... Collapse
Maralin Tirado wrote on July 6, 2009
Hector Lavoe's music was amazing. The man had so much talent but no love in himself. His voice had so much power and it just made you want to dance. Its really sad what unhappiness and tragedy he had in his life, may God bless his soul. He will always live as long as his music is heard and remembered.
Hector Lavoe's music was amazing. The man had so much talent but no love in himself. His voice had so much power and it just made you want to dance. Its really sad what unhappiness and tragedy he had in his life, may God bless his soul. He will always live as long as his music is heard and remembered.... Collapse
LUIS ROLANDO MOREIRA wrote on June 29, 2009
mi idolo para toda la vida Hector Lavoe SALUDOS DESDE ECUADOR TIERRA DE SALSEROS.
mi idolo para toda la vida Hector Lavoe SALUDOS DESDE ECUADOR TIERRA DE SALSEROS.... Collapse
Franco Lafuente wrote on June 28, 2009
I got impressed by Lavoe's troubled life. I really get deeply emotioned when I see natural talented people, like Lavoe who has raised in a poor barrio, succeeding to become famous through the difficulties of music ambient. Then something happens, which has got to do with money and poor origins, and evertything turns to be disaster also involving the ones who have no role in it. I wish one day this will stop happening.
I got impressed by Lavoe's troubled life. I really get deeply emotioned when I see natural talented people, like Lavoe who has raised in a poor barrio, succeeding to become famous through the difficulties of music ambient. Then something happens, which has got to do with money and poor origins, and evertything turns to be disaster also involving the ones who have no role in it. I wish one day this will stop happening.... Collapse
Joshua T. Andujar wrote on June 27, 2009
Hector ha sido el mas prolifero de los de su generacion!
Hector ha sido el mas prolifero de los de su generacion!... Collapse
Gonzalo Vázquez wrote on June 22, 2009
WJxgE. Soy un fan mexicano del gran Héctor Lavoe. Descubrí de casualidad el arte de Héctor por los 80's gracias a mi búsqueda de una Salsa más rica musical y textualmente, por escuchar a Rubén Blades, Willy Colón, Tito Curet Alonso y otros. Para mi el mundo de la salsa era algo sólo para bailar,sin letras o mensajes que valiera la pena escuchar. Una de las cosas que me atrajo de Héctor fué sobre todo, su enorme voz, su tan latinoamericana habilidad para improvisar y transmitir entusiasmo y personificar de algún modo "nuestras atmosferas" a través de sus interpretaciones. A... Read more
WJxgE. Soy un fan mexicano del gran Héctor Lavoe. Descubrí de casualidad el arte de Héctor por los 80's gracias a mi búsqueda de una Salsa más rica musical y textualmente, por escuchar a Rubén Blades, Willy Colón, Tito Curet Alonso y otros. Para mi el mundo de la salsa era algo sólo para bailar,sin letras o mensajes que valiera la pena escuchar. Una de las cosas que me atrajo de Héctor fué sobre todo, su enorme voz, su tan latinoamericana habilidad para improvisar y transmitir entusiasmo y personificar de algún modo "nuestras atmosferas" a través de sus interpretaciones. A la fecha, no he escuchado todos sus discos, sin embargo, creo que el mejor como unidad, es el "Reventó". Lamentablemente no he visto recopilaciones completas y serias y quizás a los productores no les interesa algo sobre él.En México se consiguen una que otra Recopilaciones caseras obviamente "hechizas" o piratas, de regular calidad. ¿Alguién puede hacerme una recomendación sobre su discografía? Un saludo a todos los fans de esa gran voz y persona. Es una lástima que no haya a la fecha un movimiento de tal calidad que rescate y retome aquél tipo de Salsa, ¿O si?... Collapse
Ruby Piedra wrote on June 18, 2009
He was the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NUMERO UNO
He was the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NUMERO UNO... Collapse
Rey Muñoz wrote on June 15, 2009
Pagando tributo al cantante de los cantantes. Wish I could've met you in person.
Pagando tributo al cantante de los cantantes. Wish I could've met you in person.... Collapse