Your Tributes

Photo by Salsero73, used under CC BY SA

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348 entries.
Eddie Figueroa wrote on November 18, 2009
Always praying that you come back to us in life, miss you . your the best
Always praying that you come back to us in life, miss you . your the best... Collapse
omi saide wrote on November 16, 2009
i love him, his music,y la borique ppl. at times i hear him sing in my heart and the radio isn't even playin. may the light of my mothers(Yemaya and Oshun)protect his espirito siempre. Ashe
i love him, his music,y la borique ppl. at times i hear him sing in my heart and the radio isn't even playin. may the light of my mothers(Yemaya and Oshun)protect his espirito siempre. Ashe... Collapse
Joe Rivera wrote on November 6, 2009
What can be said about this man and his incredible talent that has not already been said. I have seen him in concert several times and have many pictures of those Fania All-Star concerts in Madison Square Garden. Even today, no one can measure up to his incredible talent of ad-libing and deliverance of a song. He was the greatest and the best til this day.
What can be said about this man and his incredible talent that has not already been said. I have seen him in concert several times and have many pictures of those Fania All-Star concerts in Madison Square Garden. Even today, no one can measure up to his incredible talent of ad-libing and deliverance of a song. He was the greatest and the best til this day.... Collapse
El wrote on October 28, 2009
I just found your site!!! I am a HUGH Fan of Hector...I still get chills when I see video of him...I was born in the US, but i am a Boriqua...THe legen lives on...Great job guys!!!
I just found your site!!! I am a HUGH Fan of Hector...I still get chills when I see video of him...I was born in the US, but i am a Boriqua...THe legen lives on...Great job guys!!!... Collapse
smithdb wrote on October 25, 2009
I love Hector's songs and talent. What a great loss for the world.
I love Hector's songs and talent. What a great loss for the world.... Collapse
Sergio Hernandez wrote on October 24, 2009
Hector, Dios te dio el don de ser El Cantante de los Cantanter, pero el maligno sintio envidia y por eso atormento tu vida. Sin embargo, Dios en su infinita Misericordia hizo que quienes te admiramos hoy sintamos que estas mas vivo que nunca. Estoy seguro que estas cantando al Señor Jesus y a toda la corte celestial. Siempre seras La Voz, de aqui a la eternidad.
Hector, Dios te dio el don de ser El Cantante de los Cantanter, pero el maligno sintio envidia y por eso atormento tu vida. Sin embargo, Dios en su infinita Misericordia hizo que quienes te admiramos hoy sintamos que estas mas vivo que nunca. Estoy seguro que estas cantando al Señor Jesus y a toda la corte celestial. Siempre seras La Voz, de aqui a la eternidad.... Collapse
Fernando Guillen H wrote on October 15, 2009
Para mi es un honor compartir mis sentimientos con uon de los gran de la musuca el maestro Hector Lavoe; Yo creci y me desarrolle oyendo su musica en la universidad de la vida.Sinceramente tremendo tipo a pesar de la criticas pero hay que ver el lado humano. Pa' mi pana hector el grande.
Para mi es un honor compartir mis sentimientos con uon de los gran de la musuca el maestro Hector Lavoe; Yo creci y me desarrolle oyendo su musica en la universidad de la vida.Sinceramente tremendo tipo a pesar de la criticas pero hay que ver el lado humano. Pa' mi pana hector el grande.... Collapse
Bukika Holmes wrote on October 10, 2009
I learned about Hector Lavoe through the movie La Cantante. I hear a lot about how he was portrayed negatively in the movie but I did not get that impression. Being on drugs does not make you a bad individual but it displays the hurts and pains that were not properly dealt with. We all cope in one way or another and unfortunately, that is how he coped either because he was ignorant of a healthier way or because he did not have the reassurance that he was capable of overcoming his addictions and ultimately his pain. He was truly... Read more
I learned about Hector Lavoe through the movie La Cantante. I hear a lot about how he was portrayed negatively in the movie but I did not get that impression. Being on drugs does not make you a bad individual but it displays the hurts and pains that were not properly dealt with. We all cope in one way or another and unfortunately, that is how he coped either because he was ignorant of a healthier way or because he did not have the reassurance that he was capable of overcoming his addictions and ultimately his pain. He was truly talented and loved. It's unfortunate that he like so many others did not know how much he was loved. He poured it out towards others in his music but did not pour it on himself. May his life be a lesson well learned, the good and the bad and may his music live on in our hearts for years to come.... Collapse
djbyto wrote on October 9, 2009
hector fue lo mejor que el paso a la salsa tengo 17 de edad y a mi edad hector es mi cantate favorito HECTOR LAVOE cuando yo parta espero que tu esas el primero en recibirme a unos de mas grande admirador
hector fue lo mejor que el paso a la salsa tengo 17 de edad y a mi edad hector es mi cantate favorito HECTOR LAVOE cuando yo parta espero que tu esas el primero en recibirme a unos de mas grande admirador... Collapse
Karen wrote on October 4, 2009
A ti, mi gente que estan enamorados de esta musica! Viva hector para siempre!
A ti, mi gente que estan enamorados de esta musica! Viva hector para siempre!... Collapse