Your Tributes

Photo by Salsero73, used under CC BY SA

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348 entries.
dolores wrote on March 1, 2009
Hector was the best and will always be the best. Gone but not forgatten.
Hector was the best and will always be the best. Gone but not forgatten.... Collapse
carmen ramirez wrote on February 28, 2009
My son is so very proud of his father,to us it's like he is still here with us,we love to thank all of Hector Lavoe's fans for keeping his memory and music going strong today. There will never be another Cantante De Los Cantante like him he was one of a kind,we will forever love and cherish each moment we shared with him.
My son is so very proud of his father,to us it's like he is still here with us,we love to thank all of Hector Lavoe's fans for keeping his memory and music going strong today. There will never be another Cantante De Los Cantante like him he was one of a kind,we will forever love and cherish each moment we shared with him.... Collapse
Nellie wrote on February 27, 2009
Hector Lavoe is the Best of the Best!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 Que Viva Hector Lavoe!!!!!!
Hector Lavoe is the Best of the Best!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 Que Viva Hector Lavoe!!!!!!... Collapse
Krista wrote on February 26, 2009
I just saw the movie El Cantante. I was deeply touched and am now a fan.
I just saw the movie El Cantante. I was deeply touched and am now a fan.... Collapse
edson correa serrano wrote on February 25, 2009
hector es aunque ya no esta con nosotros fisicamente el mejor de los cantantantes del henero salsero y bolero romantico porque no aunque yo cre que el pudo aber cantado lo que el quisiera asta opera por eso no se compara con ningun cantante aunque hay muchos cantantes buenos pero hector es el mejor el cantante de los cantantes nada mas
hector es aunque ya no esta con nosotros fisicamente el mejor de los cantantantes del henero salsero y bolero romantico porque no aunque yo cre que el pudo aber cantado lo que el quisiera asta opera por eso no se compara con ningun cantante aunque hay muchos cantantes buenos pero hector es el mejor el cantante de los cantantes nada mas... Collapse
edson correa serrano wrote on February 25, 2009
no existe comparacion entre hector y el marck hector es mucho mejor de pies a cabaza el rey del soneo el cantante de los cantantes nadamas no se deveria siquiera de mencionar a marck antoni en esta pajina
no existe comparacion entre hector y el marck hector es mucho mejor de pies a cabaza el rey del soneo el cantante de los cantantes nadamas no se deveria siquiera de mencionar a marck antoni en esta pajina... Collapse
Zu wrote on February 24, 2009
Hector i grewup listening to your music, i still love it and everytime i mis your voice i put your song. Thank you for everting that you gave us, because in my eyes you have live your life for us the public. LOVE YOU Zu
Hector i grewup listening to your music, i still love it and everytime i mis your voice i put your song. Thank you for everting that you gave us, because in my eyes you have live your life for us the public. LOVE YOU Zu... Collapse
Ivy wrote on February 23, 2009
Hector was one of the greatest singers of the 70's we lost him way too soon. His singing brings joy and reminds me of happy times in my teenage life growing up in spanish harlem. The Fania Allstars and Willie Colon and Hector Lavoe are part of my musical past and listening to the music today gives me great energy!!
Hector was one of the greatest singers of the 70's we lost him way too soon. His singing brings joy and reminds me of happy times in my teenage life growing up in spanish harlem. The Fania Allstars and Willie Colon and Hector Lavoe are part of my musical past and listening to the music today gives me great energy!!... Collapse
Erik wrote on February 22, 2009
Even though im mexican and never been anywere close to puertorrico Hector Lavoe has always been one of favorite if not my favorite sonero, my dad introdused me to his music when he used to listen to a couple of FANIA'S ALL STARS LP's that he won during a radio promotion back in the days as he became a "salsa entusiast" back in the late 70's right during Hectors prime so need-less to say that i feel inlove with his music and now i turned my lill brother on to it and he loves it to ,I guess this goes... Read more
Even though im mexican and never been anywere close to puertorrico Hector Lavoe has always been one of favorite if not my favorite sonero, my dad introdused me to his music when he used to listen to a couple of FANIA'S ALL STARS LP's that he won during a radio promotion back in the days as he became a "salsa entusiast" back in the late 70's right during Hectors prime so need-less to say that i feel inlove with his music and now i turned my lill brother on to it and he loves it to ,I guess this goes to show that good music will always find a way thru borders and diferesces of colture....saludos a todods los conosedores de la buena musica y QUE VIVA LA SALSA Y LOS BUENOS SONEROS!... Collapse
Aida More wrote on February 22, 2009
I really enjoy his music and his songs have a lot to do with life. I told my mom if she leaves one day to give me her LPs of Hector, for will treasure them for as long as I live. BTW Hector is in my MP3!!
I really enjoy his music and his songs have a lot to do with life. I told my mom if she leaves one day to give me her LPs of Hector, for will treasure them for as long as I live. BTW Hector is in my MP3!!... Collapse