Your Tributes

Photo by Salsero73, used under CC BY SA

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348 entries.
Yvette Ramos wrote on September 16, 2014
I love hector lavoe
I love hector lavoe... Collapse
Matthew West wrote on August 31, 2014
Pandora's artist description of Hector Lavoe says that he was "born to sing." That seems to be the case exactly. My goodness. His voice was one of the best of all the singers I've ever heard and it was certainly the best voice in Salsa music I've heard. Nadie compara. It's quite a shame that his life ended so quickly.
Pandora's artist description of Hector Lavoe says that he was "born to sing." That seems to be the case exactly. My goodness. His voice was one of the best of all the singers I've ever heard and it was certainly the best voice in Salsa music I've heard. Nadie compara. It's quite a shame that his life ended so quickly.... Collapse
Alex Nieves wrote on July 19, 2014
Hector you sir are simply the best. I'm born and raised in NYC and my father always played your music. He still does and I still do. My parents are both from Guajataca and you helped them have some of Puerto Rico here in this great city. You'd be amazed at how often your music is constantly played. I wish you eternal peace wherever you may be. Que viva Puerto Rico!!
Hector you sir are simply the best. I'm born and raised in NYC and my father always played your music. He still does and I still do. My parents are both from Guajataca and you helped them have some of Puerto Rico here in this great city. You'd be amazed at how often your music is constantly played. I wish you eternal peace wherever you may be. Que viva Puerto Rico!!... Collapse
Sophia wrote on July 9, 2014
I am sad to be hearing about such a talented spirit so late in life, but none the less I am glad I have. I pray that your spirit is finally at peace. Vaya con dios maestro.
I am sad to be hearing about such a talented spirit so late in life, but none the less I am glad I have. I pray that your spirit is finally at peace. Vaya con dios maestro.... Collapse
Robert Alamo wrote on June 30, 2014
If Hector Lavoe would of known how his music still lives today as it did yesterday, he would of be smiling upon all of us who truly appreciated him as an artist, as a Puerto Rican, as a talented musician who sadly had a broken heart and allowed drugs to consumed him. Both of my parents were consumed by drugs, sadly they are both dead. However, I am a success because of them and not because of what they did or didn't do. Hector, your relevance is as important today as it was ayer... Your legacy will continue to live.... Read more
If Hector Lavoe would of known how his music still lives today as it did yesterday, he would of be smiling upon all of us who truly appreciated him as an artist, as a Puerto Rican, as a talented musician who sadly had a broken heart and allowed drugs to consumed him. Both of my parents were consumed by drugs, sadly they are both dead. However, I am a success because of them and not because of what they did or didn't do. Hector, your relevance is as important today as it was ayer... Your legacy will continue to live. RIP Hermano... RIP Mom & Dad... Collapse
ana elena sanchez wrote on June 30, 2014
A mas de dos decadas de su muerte recordemos y honremos a Hector Lavoe....El Cantante de los cantantes. Descansa en Paz
A mas de dos decadas de su muerte recordemos y honremos a Hector Lavoe....El Cantante de los cantantes. Descansa en Paz... Collapse
victor maldonado wrote on June 27, 2014
un saludo a hector lavoe q estas en los cielos, siempre fui fanatico desde niño y admiro su musica.
un saludo a hector lavoe q estas en los cielos, siempre fui fanatico desde niño y admiro su musica.... Collapse
Pamella Robinson wrote on June 24, 2014
I've only really discovered your music this year, and it's been the best discovery of my life!! I can relate to almost every song so far, I'm driving everyone nuts , listening to "Hector" I've even started to learn Spanish, so I can know what he sang about, even though I can feel it spiritually . You where the greatest and guapo salsa singer of all time. Xxx
I've only really discovered your music this year, and it's been the best discovery of my life!! I can relate to almost every song so far, I'm driving everyone nuts , listening to "Hector" I've even started to learn Spanish, so I can know what he sang about, even though I can feel it spiritually . You where the greatest and guapo salsa singer of all time. Xxx... Collapse
Hugo wrote on May 13, 2014
como HECTOR LAVOE no hay dos el fue y sera el cantante de los cantantes y sus canciones seguiran sonando por generaciones al igual que la inigualable FANIA ALLSTAR.
como HECTOR LAVOE no hay dos el fue y sera el cantante de los cantantes y sus canciones seguiran sonando por generaciones al igual que la inigualable FANIA ALLSTAR.... Collapse
Timmel jackson wrote on May 4, 2014
I love his music. I play aguanile ever day to get my day started. Gone too soon. Rip el cantante
I love his music. I play aguanile ever day to get my day started. Gone too soon. Rip el cantante... Collapse